
How to Design the Perfect Floor Plan

MASTERCLASS Presentation (Instagram Story) (Pinterest Pin)

In today's blog I want to discuss what's involved in designing the perfect floor plan for your home. I encourage you to use the steps outlined below to ignite the heart of your home, infusing it with feeling, purpose, and harmony. Before you ever start putting pen to paper, it's important to reflect on your lifestyle and how the home you design will support and nurture you, your well being and your soul, now and in the future.

Step 1: Heart

Start by taking a look at what's really importa…

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Design Alchemy: 10 Secrets to Crafting a Timeless Floor Plan


Creating a home that stands the test of time involves more than just studs and drywall—it's about crafting a space that reflects your vision and supports your lifestyle. And the key to achieving this isn't speed; it's your commitment to the design process.

Because building your dream home is a journey that begins long before the foundation is laid—it starts with the careful curation of design elements that weave together to create a home that stands the test of time.

Each step, from crafting y…

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Bright Ideas! Home Lighting Design Explained

White Black Modern Bold Blog Post Pinterest Pin (Mobile Video)

I'm sure many of you can relate to the frustration I've often felt as an architect when it comes to selecting the right light fixtures. At times, I've found myself blaming tight budgets or clients' particular tastes, but over the years, I've come to realize that lighting is a bit more challenging for me than other aspects of designing a home. This blog post aims to explore why lighting can be such a tricky aspect of the home build process, and in the spirit of collaboration, to collectively figu…

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Beating Burnout: 5 Strategies for Enjoying Your Home Build Experience

Brown Photo Home Office Interior Design Blog Post Pinterest Pin


Building a new home is an exhilarating journey, brimming with an array of decisions and tasks. However, it can also become overwhelming and lead to exhaustion if not managed effectively. To ensure that your home-building experience remains consistently exciting and fulfilling from conception to completion, I've compiled a comprehensive list of five essential tips. These guidelines will help you sidestep the pitfalls of weariness and design fatigue, so you can enjoy the process!

**1. Plan Ahe…

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5 Tips to Dream-Home Harmony: Creating Fusion in Home Styles

Minimalist Bold Blog Post Pinterest Pin

As you set out on the exciting adventure of designing your dream home, remember, it's not merely about the physical structure, but about sculpting a haven that breathes life into your style, preferences, and aspirations. We all have a unique dream-home personality, defining the essence of our perfect living space. Now, envision the magic that unfolds when your dream-home personality entwines with your partner's, crafting a one-of-a-kind sanctuary that embodies your family's unique identity.


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Discover the Benefits of Building a Home for Aging in Place

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Today, I want to discuss a topic that's close to my heart - the benefits of building a home with aging in place strategies in mind. 

Here's a little background about me:

Eight years ago, my dad suffered a severe stroke that left him partially paralyzed, with significant mobility issues initially that overtime developed into complete confinement to a wheelchair. Unfortunately, the home he shared with my mom was ill-equipped to provide the necessary support for his condition. Basic tasks became …

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Introduction to Vision Boards: Designing Your Dream Home with Clarity & Creativity


Welcome to the world of custom home design, where your dream home takes shape, and every detail becomes an expression of your unique vision. At the heart of this creative process lies an incredible tool that architects, designers, and homeowners alike use to bring their dreams to life – Vision Boards.

What Are Vision Boards?

A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams, aspirations, and goals. It's a powerful tool that combines images, words, and inspirational symbols to provide cl…

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Moving Made Simple: Interview with Move Mama Move

Blog- Moving Made Simple

After months of construction, the anticipation and preparation of moving in to your new house is finally here! You've been looking forward to this for so long, so a simple and easy move, whether across town or cross country, might be just what you need to put the stress of building behind you. Recently, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Lisa, owner of Move Mama Move, an expert on movement, and a master of keeping a busy life organized. Below she shares stellar advice for moving, her exper…

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Earth Day, Everyday

It's Earth Day! As an architect, it makes me think about sustainability and how much building our dream homes affect our environment. I mean, how many people choose to build with healthy, eco-friendly materials versus those thinking "it's not worth the extra expense"? I think a lot of people fall into the latter. So here's my take on it...

Sustainability, in terms of construction, is all about conserving energy and resources, meaning "to protect the planet and ensure the needs of the present ar…

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Controlling Costs: Choosing Materials & Finishes for Your Custom Home

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I hope this list of selections helps you with your custom build. It's easy to become overwhelmed with so many questions only you can answer, but hopefully, reviewing this list early in the process will help you feel prepared and stress-free, knowing what lies ahead.

Follow this link for your copy of my Preliminary Material and Finishes Checklist, to use on your new home build.

Below I'm breaking down the major materials and finishes that must be selected for any new build. This, by no means, i…

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